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Welcome New Members

Updated: Feb 6, 2023

Our e-mail campaign to inform Osco/Savon alumni about the new website has yielded many new members!

December 2021: Kevin Broe Brian Ollmert

Richard Call

Phil Bailey

John Dyer Sean Duffy

Scott Knauer

Labeed Diab

Jeff Woodcock

Jeff Schares

Carol Baumann

Wendla Thompson

January 2022:

John Klimek

Chris Truschke

Marc Crouch

Debbie Veale

Susan Tandy

Ken Noyes

Eric Ohnemus

Barb Vinal

Mike Pfafflin

Marc Allgood

February 2022:

Stan Slyter

Bob Greenwald

Dave Biderman

Belay Belay

Earle Cline

Dick Cook

Michele Hawk

Tony Pagano

Theresa Westlund

March 2022:

Dan Salemi

Dave Beal

Don Romney

William Poole

Craig and Beth Nuccio

Dale Bennett

Steve McDonnell

Denny Robison

April 2022:

Lyle Grafelman

Rees Davies

May 2022:

Gene Mlenar

Teresa Atwood

June 2022:

Dominic Leung

Gordon Lee

Stephen Poon

Ronald Young Soares

July 2022:

Sandra Dahlborg

Bob Ambrefe

Rich Hayes

Ray Seidlinger

Alison Bean

Leland Ma

Anne Marie Noyes

Stuart Noyes

August 2022:

Tammi Gervais

September 2022:

David Murphy

Mary Zaba

October 2022:

Maureen Addison

Mary Johnson

November 2022:

Susan Oakes

December 2022: Ted Marnell

January 2023: Jim McGillen


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