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WALMART and Home Valet begin selling unattended grocery delivery boxes

Walmart is working with technology startup HomeValet to market unattended, temperature-controlled boxes to selected customers of the retailer's InHome grocery delivery service in Florida, according to a press release.

by Grocery Dive

  • The camera-equipped, multi-zone units will carry a launch price of $499 and allow customers to accept deliveries from any retailer. (Early Bird Pricing offered).

  • Walmart's arrangement with HomeValet is the retailer's latest step in delivering groceries to shoppers' homes without requiring them to be around or immediately available to put away their items.

  • Walmart's Smart Box integration is the latest step for the retailer in offering unattended delivery. Earlier this month, Walmart announced it will bring its in-house service, which has workers deliver groceries directly into customer's refrigerators, to 30 Million households this year.


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