On August 6, 2007 it was announced that six female executives at SUPERVALU were named to a trade magazine's list of top female executives were named to Progressive Grocer's first annual "Top Women in Grocery" list. Progressive Grocer, a grocery industry trade magazine, named 50 women to the list. Supervalu said that with six honorees, it had the largest representation of a single grocery company on the list.
Supervalu's honoree's include: Pamela Knous, executive vice president and chief financial officer; Janel Haugarth, executive vice president and chief operating officer of Supply Chain Services; Marlene Gebhard, Shop 'N Save president; Judy Spires, Acme president; Sue Klug, Retail West senior vice president of merchandising and marketing; and Peggy Pfaltzgraff-Holden, Shaw's Mountain Region vice president of operations. Honorees were selected by Progressive Grocer editors, who rated candidates on leadership and influence the nominee's company and supermarket industry, areas of responsibility, career accolades and achievements, industry and community involvement, and philanthropic activities.

Peggy Pfaltzgraff-Holden has only been with West Bridgewater, Massachusetts-based Shaw’s since July 2006 and has already made a significant impact on the Supervalu-owned banner. In her present role Peggy oversees operations for 110 Shaw’s Supermarket locations in four New England states: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and northeastern Massachusetts. This area encompasses well over 10,000 associates, many of whom she knows by name. The mountain region’s seven district managers report directly to Pfalzgraff-Holden. Her broader career spans 25 years, including store development in the drug division, district management, store management, HR management, operations management, and division customer service management.
Just as importantly, Pfaltzgraff-Holden has played a significant role not only in the business sector, but also within her community. She was one of the first organizers of MESA (Women in Management Group), which was started by Albertsons several years ago. She was also involved in volunteer events within the community through the CORUS program, launched by Albertsons in 2003 to mobilize associates’ volunteer efforts in their communities, and is influential in encouraging her stores to take an active service role as well. A truly hands-on executive, Pfaltzgraff-Holden takes a personal, ongoing interest in such projects as store remodels. She has additionally taken on the role of liaison, building a bridge between the corporate and store levels by soliciting feedback and welcoming suggestions from her management teams, thus improving communications for the region as a whole.