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Paul Degaetano

Paul Degaetano…Our normal routine was that Liz was in Dublin most of the time working at the Ross Headquarters and I would bounce back and forth from Scottsdale and Westlake Village. We have been busy, we went to Denmark and a cruise trip through the Mediterranean. Liz’s Dad Tom, we all call him “Pop”, is a snow bird so during those times we have been taking road trips; we .hit all of the Hall of Fame sites from Cooperstown to Toronto Hockey. Pop had one last State to hit, Vermont, so we did that. We visited Wrigley field, Keenland, Nashville and Memphis for the rest of the 10 day road trip which was great fun. Liz has 2 beautiful Grandkids, Austin Verlander Jeruzal, 8 years old, yup they are Justin Verlander fans and Annaliese, a 4 year old sweetheart and that’s what I call her. My daughter Laura is in California and has been living at my home in Westlake, it is in escrow and she is moving to Huntington Beach to be closer to my sisters and her friends. We lived in Huntington Beach for 18 years. So now in COVID land, Liz and I are mostly in Scottsdale. I’m wrapping up the Westlake Village sale and the move for my daughter

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