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Jon ‘Tork’ Fuglestad

It's hard to imagine that it's been over 23 years since I retired. What a gift that has been for me and what a privilege it was for me to work with many of you. To share the memories of days gone by of lifelong friends and former work associates.

Now with the Alumni Club, that association continues.

My career with Osco Drug started in the summer of 1949 in Fargo North Dakota. I had just turned 16 years old and was hired as a stock boy. The pay was pretty good for those days - 50 cents an hour. I was so proud of my blue smock. I even had my own name badge. Little did I know that it was the start of my career with Osco that lasted for 41 years.

They say that luck is being at the right place at the right time. I can say that it was true in my case. A job opening at Osco Drug that led to a lifelong career. What a great opportunity! An opportunity to work with some great people.

The people made the difference for me. They were the best and still are. When I signed on with Osco, I knew there would be many moves ahead of us: Fargo, North Dakota, Waukegan, Illinois and Galesburg, Springfield, Melrose Park, Great Falls and lastly the Oak Brook office. Moving around the country was a great experience for the family and me. A lot of good memories of some very special people that we met along the way.

Reflecting on the past, one must agree that growing old is a privilege. I would also add life is a gift and to live is an opportunity. What does this mean to you and me as Osco Sav-on Alumni Club members?

My conclusion is that we need to:

REMEMBER OUR ROOTS: We didn't get here by ourselves... It was with the help of others.

LIVE IN THE PRESENT: Remember today is the greatest day of your life until tomorrow. Make use of it.

CHERISH YOUR FRIENDS: Friends will rejoice in our accomplishments and comfort us in our defeats.

MAKE USE OF YOUR TALENTS: God gave us all different talents. We need to put these talents to work.

KEEP DREAMING: The dreams of our maturity have a quality that the dreams of our youth can never match.


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