GlaxoSmithKline has shared additional details, including naming information, of its demerger of Consumer Healthcare from GSK, which will take place in mid-2022.
Haleon (Hay-Lee-On) was inspired by the merging of the words "Hale", which is an old English word that means "in good health" and Leon, which is associated with the word "strength", the company said.
Haleon will have a world-class portfolio of category leading global brands including Sensodyne, Voltertan, Panadol, Advil, Theraflu, Otrivin and Centrum.
In addition iconic and local strategic brands covers Tums, Eno, Flonase, Chap Stick and Emergen-C.
Brian McNamara, Haleon CEO designate, named to lead forthcoming independent Consumer Healthcare Company.
GSK said Haleon expects to achieve organic sales growth in the 4% to 6% range for 2022.
Source: Drug Store News
