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Carol Binnie-Bartkowicz

After over 30 years, I have been “retired” again. My latest stint with Jewel-Osco lasted just over 5 years. Since I originally departed when the business moved to Salt Lake City, Utah in early 1998, I have been called back for Jewel Osco a few times. The first time was a job sharing opportunity as an Assistant Sales Manager in General Merchandise. That lasted a couple of years, but when the business needed to reduce head count, I was "retired" again. I was then called to fill in for a maternity leave (left when the baby was born), then again to fill in for

someone who was ill, then again to take over a liquor position that was quickly vacated. I stayed after that, most recently having the position of General Merchandise Analyst.

In between my stints at Jewel Osco (and during), I have volunteered extensively with my childrens' schools and scouts. I have designed and painted backdrops, directed and produced plays, been on the PTO board, threw promotion parties and graduation dances for hundreds of children, and generally kept extremely busy. I also learned I love to draw and paint (something I never did before).

I'm not yet sure where my next adventure will take me, but I am sure that I will keep busy doing something.

I miss our old Osco family.


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