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Bob Maag

Bob Maag writes us October 2009:

It's hard to believe I'm retired but I am enjoying this new life style. My last day at our Jewel Osco Office in Itasca, Illinois was Friday, October 2, 2009. In the immediate future (or until February 2010) I'm planning on baby sitting four days a week for Hannah, our 18 month old granddaughter. Millie is planning on having knee replacement surgery in early December and hopefully will be done with her therapy from this operation to replace me in early February. In between baby sitting, I'm planning on doing a lot of work in my house that is now 34 years old. I'm planning the usual restorations in each room (painting the ceilings and walls, removing some very old wall paper, refinishing doors and trim work throughout the house, etc.), hopefully before next spring as I have plenty of landscape work out side as well. Also hoping to find some part-time work in the spring when Millie is back on her feet.

Still getting up early (can't sleep past 5 am) so I'm now jogging in the mornings before the sun is up. On January 1st, 2008 I set a goal to jog 1,000 mile in three years and right now through October 21, 2009 I have jogged 707 miles. I really enjoy this jogging time in the morning as opposed to going to the office.


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