The Club has received an update on the status of member, Bill Mayfield. Bill suffered a stroke in August 2009. A neighbor had found him and called 911, in all likelihood saving his life. Bill is recovering in a managed care facility in Springfield, Illinois where friends and family visit him regularly.
He is still an avid sports fan, following the Cubs, the Cardinals, and the Bears. He likes to visit his favorite local restaurants whenever he can. Bill's daughter Vicki tells us he has enjoys reading the Osco Savon Alumni Connections newsletter to see what old friends are up to these days! Bill celebrates his 87th birthday on August 11, 2010.

1989 Manager's Meeting (Tom Berg, Bill Mayfield, Gary Hunstiger)

Bill Mayfield (2010)
Friends can contact Bill at:
Lewis Memorial Christian Village Attention: Bill Mayfield 3400 W. Washington, Room 220 Springfield, IL 62711
Contact information for Bill's daughter, Vicki is below:
Vicki Mayfield 555 W. Madison Street, Apt. 810 Chicago, IL 60661 Phone: (312) 575-8515