1. How CVS Became a Pharmacy Behemoth.
CVS’s climb to the top: In the U.S., you can basically throw a rock and you’ll hit a CVS. Roughly 85% of Americans live within five miles of a CVS pharmacy — the company is the most profitable retail pharmacy in the country. Rite Aid may have a net worth of roughly $200 million and Walgreens is worth $30.52 billion, but CVS’s net worth is a mind-blowing $104.57 billion as of March 3. (That’s right, that’s “billion,” with a “B.”) So how exactly did they do that? Basically ever-expanding operations fueled by acquisitions, mergers, and partnerships. 2. Stator Bros. New Conveyer-Belt Advertising
Scanning product … and messages: Wait, what was that message? Oh, it’s coming back around again. Stater Bros. Market will soon be using the conveyor-belt advertising service Message Wrap to show customers how they can join the grocer’s Digital Deals loyalty program. So if they miss it, no worries — it’s on a moving stage. The San Bernardino, Calif.-based grocer will apply the ads to cashier conveyor belts at all 170 stores in southern California, and the Digital Deals program allows customers to apply digital coupons at checkout, so what better place to talk about rewards than right at the source? Grocery retailers have come up with some remarkable ways to advertise product over the years. 3. Wooden Barrels with Coffee Beans Keeping it special: Wooden barrels with coffee beans. Jars of tahini, pomegranate syrup and sweet peppers. Lebanese sodas in mint and tamarind. Just some of the delights you’ll find at Sahadi’s in Brooklyn — a Middle Eastern grocer which has been around for 75 years. The store, which just opened its second location, as well as a cafe, has plenty of special touches. A fresh-bread section, a wide selection of olives, house-roasted almonds. 4. Publix Sub Sandwich Throwdown.
Are Publix subs God’s gift to Florida? Florida can boast a lot
of draws: sun, gators, Disney. But have you tried a Publix sub?
Sarasota Magazine recently did a Publix sub sandwich throwdown:
“Pub subs: Trash or God’s gift to Florida?” The pro Publix sub
take? Variety of options and freshness. The anti Publix sub take?
No regional connection to the state, using tomatoes that aren’t
produced under ideal working conditions. But maybe it all comes
down to wistfulness.
5.The Super Mario of grocery games? Price Chopper / Market 32
shoppers are once again giving their gamer thumbs a workout.
Following the success of last fall’s Daily SurPRIZE video game,
shoppers can now enjoy the Daily SurPRIZE, Frozen Food Frenzy. T
The retailer sees the contest as a way to keep store-goers
engaged — the game itself features free exclusive digital coupons
and customers also have the chance to win prizes. ROI on the
first Daily SurPRIZE was nothing short of spectacular: during the
contest, the landing page had 1 million views, and traffic to the
rewards site was five times higher vs. the prior weekly average.
The SuPRIZE site also ranked No. 1 or No. 2 for web traffic,
engagement for online redemption options rewards more than
tripled, and new site registrations increased by a factor of
three times in the game window vs. a prior weekly average.
SOURCE: Supermarket News, 3/10/23
Advertising on the grocery checkout belts, what's next??