We had a great turnout of 11 individuals at the general store on a very chilly day in Scottsdale. Lee Hoekstra headed the band as usual to catch us up on his latest adventures. He never changes it has been ages, but Tom Nielsen finally appeared and he too is a constant and continuing on his ventures of travel. Lee indicated that he had gone to lunch with Brent Keil and he was doing extremely well and had spent a little time as usual in Minnesota in the last year. Jerry Ostermann and Jim willyard caught us up on their latest adventures and they do seem to be ageless Jim and Pat Johnston were exchanging stories on some of their hikes around the valley that left most of us exhausted just from listening to them. Curt Larson left the subzero temperatures just in time to be here in the valley of the sun at about 40° but he was not complaining. Most recently, Dave Schoenbeck and his wife celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Fantastic! Stan Petersen and Deone are once again working at the TPC Scottsdale golf tournament which will be about their 15 year as volunteers. Ron Grove most recently moved into his new residential estate. They are housed in a condo type complex with many others and their building along with four others will accommodate about 20,000 people. Frank Stock was also in attendance and is still working full-time as a financial analyst attempting to maintain stability in our roller coaster marketplace. Keep it under control Frank thank you all for bearing with me on my dictating adventures