Well, Scottsdale offered up a fine day for the Romeo Brunch on the patio for seven remarkable looking people. Pat Johnston found time from attending spring training games to munch on his favorite brunch meal of waffle with plenty of warm syrup. I was recounting our story about the 6 month body repair job just was completed on Kathys RAV 4 when Pat mentioned that yesterday, on the way to the baseball game, something hit his windshield which resulted in the glass breaking and the crack moving across the the width of the glass. Ah, auto travel in Phoenix. Pat indicated that he will be traveling to Delaware for Easter and returning before his final departure from the Valley of the Sun. Frank Stock experience some challenges ordering his Turkey Burger; after everyone was served they told him they didn’t have any. He went for the beef on the 2nd order…who orders Turkey Burgers? Stan and Deone made the trek from Anthem I think hoping for some presents for their 20th anniversary which is coming up next Tuesday. They were lucky to have a seat at the table. I am sure that Stan will present her with a very expensive token of affection……. Dave Schoenbeck was just coming out of a 3 plus week bout with a virus….of course the cough was the special visitor. Seems he got it from those special grand babies...We all know those little germ carriers. With all the rains, he indicates that the excess run off still creates some havoc on the dirt road to his abode. He is hoping to get some electricity hooked up soon, with plumbing following up soon there after. We had the pleasure of visiting with John Eversman…that man never ages. Things are going well…his daughter has recently moved from Minnesota to Arizona…nice to have her nearby. He and Dave are going to be playing their annual golf adventure with the California golf contingent along with Jake Jackson. You might want to rethink any trip to Las Vegas until May. By the way, Ron Grove and Liz have sold their Carefree Home and are in the process of having a condominium constructed at the 101 and Scottsdale Rd. The process should take a year and they will be spending time of course in Missouri. Best wishes to all. Gerry