It was a 100 degree day in the Valley of The Sun that drove the 5 attendees inside at the General Store. There was a time, once, when these hardy retailers would not be dissuade…no longer. Stan just returned from a very nice 12 day road trip with Deone and their fuzzy companion, Eddy, in their RV to visit family and friends in South Dakota and Colorado. You can bet that every time he stopped to refuel, his wallet became lighter as he filled his 27 gallon tank. President Biden has indicated that he will attempt to send certificates to help offset fuel inflation…. Stan indicated that he was sure they were in the mail……somewhere. He has some very interesting stories of their adventure that, I am sure, upon request he will give you a vivid recalling.

Mark is leaving for Italy in August to be a tourist while visiting his son who is stationed in Northern part of that beautiful country. Everything is going well for he and his family and looking forward to his visit…hopefully British Airways will not disappoint.
Frank has been spending his time attempting to talking down investors looking for guidance. For the most part, everyone is merely looking for guidance on how much cash to have on hand…..Frank says that it is difficult to understand his clients through their sobs.
Tom Nielsen just returned from fishing with his son Mark in Minnesota with the likes of Brent and Bruce Keil. He says they are well stocked with Walleye…however, we did not see one filet. The weather was good and a wonderful time had by all. Brent will not return until sometime in early July.
Hope that this mail finds everyone healthy, happy and enjoying family and friends.