In Memoriam
On behalf of the Alumni Club, we extend our deepest sympathies to the families who have lost loved ones.
As we are informed of the passing of a club member, spouse or immediate family member or the death of an Osco/Sav-on associate or former employee, we will post a write-up including bereavement details, job history, and photos. In addition to posting on the website, the Memoriam may also appear in an edition of Connections.
If you have specific information or photos you would like to share please send via email to oscosavonalumni@yahoo.com or by U.S. mail.
Mail to:
Osco/Sav-on Alumni Club
P.O. Box 1024
Lombard, Illinois 60148-8024
Visitors and club members are encouraged to post offering condolences, words of comfort and special recollections by leaving a comment.